Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Great Valentine Weekend!

What a GREAT valentine weekend! Friday I got home to beautiful flowers from my sweetie! Then we headed off for an awesome dinner at Tokyo! After that we were a little late for movies so I got to go shopping for a few things I had been thinking I wanted... ceramic curling wand, cologne and a smart watch. Steve also went shopping... for a new tv! LOL! billboard size!! LOL!
Saturday was a lazy day around the house but Steve cooked us an awesome breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage and heart shaped pancakes! We headed out on an adventure late afternoon thinking we would eat some Huck's catfish and catch that movie again. Little did we know that LOTS of people were going to Huck's for Valentine day.. and going early...so we headed out to find a different place rather than waiting an hour. We found ourselves across the dam at Wendy's catfish... it wasn't anything fancy but we enjoyed our drive and had the chance to just talk! After we finished and headed back to Sherman we realized we had missed the movie again..so we had a few stops to make at Lowe's and Gander Mountain before heading home to relax and get ready for worship the next morning.

I had Monday off so I decided to make stew and cornbread for such a cold day... but I also made a great Mexican corn dip to start us off and finished with a sopapilla cheese cake! It was yummy.. and then off to a Plexus meeting I went!

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