Monday morning was very icy and lots of reports of accidents were coming in- glad we were home- it didn't get above freezing all day so by around 4pm the report that schools would not open on Tuesday was already going out! 2 days off for ice!
I got some things caught up around the house and then Tuesday night we ventured out... the roads were pretty clear- it had got just above freezing so we went out for dinner and stopped at a couple of stores... made a stop at Walmart- GRRRRR.... shelves were pretty bare... I got the things I wanted and went to checkout... several lines were working but I noticed their light was not on so I looked until I found a cash register with her light on and got in line... we waited while she worked with the guy at the register.. one more was in front of me and after a little while he turned around and said.. I am last in line... my reply was.. Oh.. I got here when her light was still on.. and then the cashier began to tell me she knew it was on but it was blinking and shouldn't have been on... REALLY!!!! now that I have stood in line and the other lines have gotten so long they were back to the clothes... AND I didn't have that many items as it was... GRRR! I took my buggy to a manager to explain to him what had happened.. thinking he would care... he didn't really care!!! So I left my stuff with him....
Anyway, on to the snow days... everyone was watching for snow on Wednesday morning but the storm shifted or slowed or something... funny lots of schools had a delay start so they will be going in while it is snowing... we came in normal time while it is sleeting.. now the kids are just loving watching the snow through the windows!
I guess winter isn't finished with us yet... a winter mix is expected on Friday!!!
We had a baby shower on Saturday for Bobbie.... Andy started his new job on Monday.. well.. after ice it was Tuesday.....We got to hang out with Ashley a bit for the shower...
On Saturday our sweet buddy Toby passed away- he had been in our family about 14 years.. he had gotten so feeble... it was sad watching him go...we tried to make him comfortable in a blanket and Steve had to bury him while we were at the baby shower... those things are always hard on all of us! They are family too!
Steve had just made the comment Friday night about if we would need to start looking for a Sheltie.. we have talked about getting a little guy to be a buddy to Beau... I don't know.. sometimes I say yes.. sometimes I say no.. but in looking at the prices we might have to pass... why are people selling pets for $600 and up??? Oh well.. if the right dog comes around we shall see!!! He has to enjoy hanging out with us and camping!! and of course.. he has to like Beau!
and YES... I want to build a snowman!!! :)