Well.. it has been another pretty weekend!
We have been using our weekend time to get the backyard ready for upcoming gatherings to swim and play.
The backyard is starting to look pretty again.. it is always nice when the plants are coming up and the flowers are getting planted.
Ashley came up the last two weekends.. she and Andy got me pretty cut flowers.. they are so pretty... still pretty! and then the other pots of flowers they all got me are going out around the pond! I am excited.
Andy has gone to two proms over the last couple of weeks. He looked really sharp both times... now just hanging on till graduation.
It is an awesome beautiful day.. but just couldn't bring myself to stay out in it.. too tired from being up till 3:15 this morning waiting for the kids to get home from Prom.
Seems like everytime you turn around there is car trouble... or something just needs replacing... Ashley's car needed tires.. Andy had a flat that couldn't be repaired..now he has a brake or something that is broke... always something!
Summer is almost here...but things will just get busier...Ashley will be moving out of her apartment in at the end of the month... I will be gearing up for Tech Camp and some conferences...and our band will be playing GA camp in June... much much busier... more later!
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