I assured him that I would be fine- I started out by stopping to get gas.... I only got $10 of gas in my truck because the rain was coming down so hard and at such and angle I was already drenched- no worries.. I had plenty for my trip.
As I started out to Denton my tire gauge come on my dash around Collinsville- no big deal... I know the air pressure can come on occasionally with change in temperature and change in tire pressure... but then as I watched it go down a little more I realized I might be in trouble. I pulled over at a convenience
store gas station next to air pump- I gathered my quarters and got out to put air in my tire- that is when I heard it... AIR escaping quickly from my tire. I let Steve know and of course he was out the door and on his way before I could even stop to consider what my options might be for getting a spare on our help.
Well.. he arrived in what looked like enough time to still get to Denton for Ashley's appointment- and since it was raining- working on the tire didn't look good right then anyway... so off we went.
After a quick run by Starbuck's we were off to Collinsville to get my truck back on the road before the next storm that was following us up the road began to pour! We didn't make it before the rain.. but Steve was able to fix my tire and we headed off towards Sherman. The piece of metal he pulled out of my tire was longer than my index finger- I guess you could say as big or bigger than a pencil... ugh!!!
Rain continued hard most of day- much more water than my garages or back door could handle. It looked like I had a pond in my front yard.
Saturday cleared off so pretty and as we were getting ready to head to Air Show in Durant we noticed water standing just outside of our front door- right where our water heater closet is...so... after investigating that we realized our 20 year old water heater needed to be replaced...so off we went on a price and size checking adventure and finally brought a new one home to install before Steve grilled us some awesome hamburgers.
Sunday was good- we had an awesome worship with Steve leading and then we had to make a quick road trip to Allen so we stopped off for lunch at the Blue Goose and then home to clean up our mess in the house and garage.... and here we are back to Monday... but....not many Mondays left before Summer...we can do this!!! ;)