What another beautiful day!
Ashley came in last night to show us her ring... it is a promise ring from Alex...she got it for Valentine's Day... it is very pretty...she got it cleaned and resized today! We had a nice family dinner at Olive Garden...we laughed and talked.. that was nice....Today.. just started slow.. went to get groceries and a few things for cleaning the pool... that always puts the bill up a bit... then just cooked a pot roast and hung around the house.
After Ashley left I tried out the new pool net and started digging leaves from the pool.... I never think we have trees in our yard until that starts.. gosh.. what a mess!
Andy is doing good in school... and he seems to be enjoying his new job! I guess now he has to decide what the summer will hold after graduation! Looks like there is an opportunity for him to go to Enland on mission trip.. but we are all praying for how the funds will work out on that.... we will also all be playing at GA camp again this year and are looking forward to that... it is really a neat week of connecting with the girls there and also with the guys in the band...
I am looking ahead to summer.. lots of things going on... maybe a trip to San Antonio for another convention... 3 weeks of Tech Camp and maybe even a trip to Branson...
more later